Student ID Badge

Student ID Badge

Identification (ID) badges provide constant and immediate identification of students, faculty, staff, volunteers, medical staff, affiliates and employees. In addition, the system provides authorized entry into buildings, a tool for the security of the campus and employee, volunteer and student identification for transacting business on hospital grounds. Identification badges must be worn at all times while on duty.

1. Each student will be issued a hospital identification (ID) badge with photo during orientation to the College.

2. The ID badge is required and expected to be worn in a visible place above the waist at all times when in the hospital or College.

3. In addition, the ID badge provides a discount to students when purchasing food in the hospital cafeteria.

4. Identification Badge Replacement: Lost, damaged or worn ID badges must be replaced. The student must notify the College of Nursing’s front desk that their ID badge needs to be replaced. A member of the College will complete the electronic request for a new badge. The ticket must include the student’s name, identification number, and reason for the badge request. Replacement fee for the lost badge is $10.00. Students may pick up new badges/return old badges at the Office of Patient Experience Monday-Friday between the hours of 0730- 1600.

5. New badges may be purchased in the Security Department of the Hospital.

6. Identification badges must be returned to the College administration upon graduation or termination from the