Say Yes Eligibility Requirements - Please confirm you meet all indicated. *
Program Option Accepted To: *
If you are a DDPN Le Moyne College student, please indicate if you were offered the Say Yes Scholarship. *
Maximum of 500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Maximum of 500 characters allowed. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
I hereby certify that all of the information reported on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I give permission for release of this information, including academic and financial status, to the organization’s Scholarship Selection Committee. If results of the FAFSA are required, I authorize the Office of Student Financial Aid to release my expected family contribution (EFC) to the committee.
I authorize St. Joseph’s College of Nursing to release personally identifiable information from my education record to outside entities for scholarship selection, to scholarship donors and/or for publicity purposes regarding the awarding of a scholarship. This could include items such as my class rank, GPA, and extracurricular activities.
If I receive a scholarship, prize or award, I understand there is an expectation I send a letter of appreciation to the donor and participate in events pertaining to the awarding of the scholarship.
This is the description of your section break.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Non-Discriminatory Policy
St. Joseph’s College of Nursing at St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Hospital does not discriminate in the administration of educational policies or programs, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered Programs. The College’s non-discrimination policy is inclusive of, but not limited to, race, age, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran/military status, religion, disability, or political ideology.
Last Revised: 9/23/2019